[About] a Place
At hand, on the land moments, in a sequence that loosely follows the time of day and the season of the year, examining the details of life on a no-dig permaculture market garden in west Wales.

Asparagus Kale grown for seed for the Real Seed Company, Newport. This seed was originally harvested from a permaculture holding in Lancashire nearly twenty years ago. The plant produces 'spears' that look like asparagus and these are what is harvested and eaten before flowering. They are prolific and delicious, with a long season, ideal for a garden plot as only one or two plants are required.

image taken during an event held on Remembrance for Lost Species which focussed on pollinators

Beds and Crops
Drawings of the no-dig raised beds of vegetables at the permaculture market garden. Graphite, pencil, charcoal, collage, acrylic on paper.
Drawings of the no-dig raised beds of vegetables at the permaculture market garden. Graphite, pencil, charcoal, collage, acrylic on paper.